
Excel microsoft visual basic for applications
Excel microsoft visual basic for applications

excel microsoft visual basic for applications

Microsoft provides programming examples for illustration only, without warranty either expressed or implied. Examples of how to use Visual Basic code to select cells in a range Note If you try to record this procedure by using the macro recorder, you do not receive the same results. You can also select this range by using simple Visual Basic for Applications code.

excel microsoft visual basic for applications

In the Go To Special dialog box, click Current region, and then click Also, you can select the current region of data (contiguous data, with no blank rows or columns) by doing the following: However, all data must be contiguous (that is, you cannot have blank rows or columns). Likewise, to manually select a row and all columns attached to the row, press CTRL+SHIFT+DOWN ARROW+RIGHT ARROW. To manually select all the data in a column, select the first cell, and press CTRL+SHIFT+DOWN ARROW.

excel microsoft visual basic for applications

More Information Examples of how to select cells manually This article provides examples you can use to select a range of cells. In Microsoft Excel, you can select cells in a range either manually or by using some simple Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications code.

Excel microsoft visual basic for applications